
* 100% FREE adult blogging service!
* Service for blogging, therefore only adult content is allowed!
* 100 Mb space available for adult blog content upload!
* Easy to use WYSIWYG editor to create your HTML pages!
* Automatic thumb creation for your blog!
* Over 60 customized templates available and more coming!
* Free blog editor support for non browser posting(wBloggar, Blog Post Builder, Qumana, Windows Live Writer)
* Search Engine friendly blogs.
* Antispam protection.
* RSS feed import into your free blog!
* Unlimited number of blogs per user!
* Pre-installed plugins for full meta-data edit in your blog!
* Full user statistic!(comming soon)
* Friendly support forum!
* Import blogs from other blogs services!
* And much, much more…

Few words about blogs:

Nowadays blogs are one of the progressive online business methods. But terms of most of free blog services say us, that we should not arrange adult content.

Our service is a gift for all adult webmasters. GetAllPorn.com gives every webmaster a chance to create as much blogs as you want. And all of them will be placed on your single account.

GAP blog is like… is like… is like… NOTHING ELSE!